Ava's Recording (Spoilers) - General Hospital

Publish date: 2024-07-28

From reading the upcoming spoilers, I get the feeling that Ava is going to play her tape. Not sure where, the gallery, the radio, the Invader, but I get the feeling it’s coming out.

Spoilers say On Monday, Ava’s playing dirty. On Tuesday, Blaze is dealt a devastating blow and also Natalia has to face the music. Wednesday Alexis is in fighting form.

That the recording is released makes the most sense. Any ideas on how she releases it and who hears it?


June 29, 2024, 7:52pm 2

Maybe to that gossip columnist turned associate publisher?


Could be. I don’t know if Ava is going to out her to the whole town, or just Sonny, Krissy and Blaze. It will be interesting though. If it does get published for the whole town to see I would not expect Natalia to be sticking around for much longer.

Maura is such an amazing actress, she can pull off getting down and dirty and you still root for her.


June 29, 2024, 8:03pm 4

Im guessing the gallery event, but any of those other options are definite possibilities. They’ve mentioned the event a few different times, so I’m guessing we’ll see it. I’m sure it will be an “accident.”


I am looking forward to going to that party!


I am thinking the tape goes public and the record deal gets canceled. That would devastate Blaze, if she gets fired because of her mother’s bigotry.


Same! You know there will be a lot of drama!


Ava is one of GH’s best villainess. I love till I hate her and back again to loving her. Maura West is a Legend :raised_hands:



What’s her tape?

Ava accidentally recorded Natalia being a real bigot towards Kristina and Blaze. I detailed it in the following post.

After the wedding Natalia stopped by Sonny’s condo with a thank you gift for having invited her to the wedding. Ava was sitting on the couch with her phone and she was trying to do a pre-recorded blurb for the gallery show that she’s planning. She had a couple of starts and then on her third attempt, she pressed the record button on her phone but then there was a knock on the door so she got up with her phone in hand and walked to the door and there was Natalia. She invited Natalia into wait… Melanie:

I am thinking the tape goes public and the record deal gets canceled. That would devastate Blaze, if she gets fired because of her mother’s bigotry.

Why would Blaze’s record deal be cancelled… they dont care that she’s gay. The only thing this recording could do, is make Sonny mad at Natalie…


And if Blaze loses her record deal she will have no career. Thus, she can be an insta mommy with Kristina.

Nothing will happen. Kristina already forgave Sonny the hoodlum so Blaze will get PO’d for a sec then all is forgiven. They’re matching Natalia and Sonny together so I doubt she’ll be disliked for long & all will be back to normal.

You go Ava! Didn’t get to say that Trina’s shock of Ava’s words against Sonny the Hoodlum was ridiculous. It really frightened her? Really? Trina and Kristina what rock were they hiding under all this time? :roll_eyes: :thinking:


I’m thinking the general public and her fans would feel really sorry for Blaze because her mother is such an ass and backwards. It might even help her move up in the world as far as music.



They’re matching Natalia and Sonny

Such a forced pairing. Watching the two of them in scenes together is painful.

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I don’t mind them together. She doesn’t come across as awful with him.



She doesn’t come across as awful with him

True. Probably because she’s a gold digger.

I can’t believe she’s upset that her daughter is gay yet she’s trying to take up with a mob Don!


One doesn’t really have anything to do with the other. But both are independently not good traits to possess.


I think it will wipe out any illusions Blaze had about her mom being ok with who she is & her relationship with Kristina, and since her mom has always been up in her business (“supportive stage mom”), for Blaze it’s going to be really hurtful that a. her mom was ‘faking’ her support of her relationship and b. her mom / closest advisor maybe didn’t really have her best interests at heart all along.


Well, the spoilers video for this week tells us exactly how it happens.

A source “Ava” evidently gives the recording to the gossip columist at The Invader. And naturally, everyone reads The Invader. From the video, Maxie, Lucy, Lois, Sonny, Alexis and Diane and though the video doesn’t show Blaze and Kristina’s reaction, one could logically assume they will hear it as well.

This is going to be put in motion today. Looks like we’ll have an interesting week. Albeit a short week, with a throwback of Zeke on Thursday! I can hardly wait

